WELCOME TO DIGITAL KINGS ACADEMY | Admission Open 2024 - 2025 Batch

Refund Policies

Refund policy: Due to the nature of our services, DIGITAL KINGS does not guarantee any refunds upon cancellation. Furthermore, DIGITAL KINGS does not make any guarantees for job placement, freelance work, etc., and will not be held responsible for any refund claims thereof.

Refunds are not applicable if a student doesn’t want to continue with pandemic-forced online classes (which were originally offline). In case, a student is not comfortable learning online, they can join the offline classes back again as soon as the lockdown restrictions are eased for institutes to resume the classroom batches.


Advanced Seat Reservation Refund Policy: Seat booked /reserved/ enrolled  online or offline course for any batch, Once Fee paid, it CANNOT be refunded under any circumstances.